Halloween Activities for Speech and Language

Halloween is one of the most exciting holidays of the year for both SLPs and students! It’s also a great opportunity to explore colorful language, retell spooky stories, and talk about All Things Halloween! Here are some activity ideas for the upcoming holiday:

Expanding Sentences and WH-Questions

Use real-life illustrations to target “Who” “What” and “Where” questions, describe pictures, play I-Spy, and expand utterances with this ready-to-use, no-prep activity.

Download it Free from Teachers Pay Teachers:



Shared Reading Activity

Book: “Room on the Broom,” written by Julia Donaldson and illustrated by Axel Scheffler, is the perfect book to target a variety of language goals: 

-Story retell/event sequencing/practicing transition words: Who fell off the broom next? 


-Story Grammar Elements: Setting, Characters, Problem, Feelings, Action, Resolution 

-Describing: Describe each animal that wants a ride on the witch’s broom!

-Predicting: Which animal do you think will come along next? 

Purchase/borrow the book or listen to it on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sCwmofz9riY


Vocabulary: Labeling & Describing (Attribute + Object) 

Supplement “Room on a Broom” with simple Labeling & Describing (Attribute + Object). Download and print for free:



Halloween Craft: Pumpkin Faces



Talk about feeling/emotions and face/body parts with this cute craft! 

Print, laminate, and velcro to create a reusable set. Download the activity here: https://www.speechandlanguagekids.com/halloween-speech-therapy-activities/


Halloween Themed Sensory Bin

Create a sensory/feel bin to target describing, categories, functions, and more! 

Target: Describe based on:  Category (It’s a kind of ____), Function (We use it to ___), color/sizes/shape/sense (It is ___), Location (We find it ___), Material, Parts (it has __). 

Here are some fun inspirations for materials suggested by The Spruce Crafts: https://www.thesprucecrafts.com/halloween-feel-box-game-1244730

  • Damp, coarse sponge: brains
  • Twisted chenille stems: spider
  • Pretzel sticks: petrified rat tails
  • Dried apricots: dried-up tongues
  • Thread: spiderwebs
  • Cooked, cold spaghetti noodles: worms or veins
  • Peeled grapes: eyeballs
  • Dried apple slices: ears
  • Blanched, peeled tomato: heart
  • Fake fur: dead animal
  • Tines of a plastic fork: vampire's teeth
  • Soft flour tortilla: skin (can add a little oil)
  • Feed corn: teeth
  • Cornsilk: hair
  • Baby dill pickles with pistachio shells pushed into the tip: witches' fingers
  • Overcooked rice with raisins in cooking oil: rotting maggots and bugs
  • Small peeled potatoes stuck together with chenille stems: spiders

Author: Angela Park, M.A., CF-SLP

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Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog is for general informational purposes only and should not be considered as professional advice. The content is based on the author's personal experiences, research, and opinions. It is always recommended to consult with a qualified professional or expert before making any decisions or taking action based on the information provided in this blog.

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