Halloween is one of the most exciting holidays of the year for both SLPs and students! It’s also a great opportunity to explore colorful language, retell spooky stories, and talk about All Things Halloween! Here are some activity ideas for the upcoming holiday:
Expanding Sentences and WH-Questions
Use real-life illustrations to target “Who” “What” and “Where” questions, describe pictures, play I-Spy, and expand utterances with this ready-to-use, no-prep activity.

Download it Free from Teachers Pay Teachers:
Shared Reading Activity

Book: “Room on the Broom,” written by Julia Donaldson and illustrated by Axel Scheffler, is the perfect book to target a variety of language goals:
-Story retell/event sequencing/practicing transition words: Who fell off the broom next?
-Story Grammar Elements: Setting, Characters, Problem, Feelings, Action, Resolution
-Describing: Describe each animal that wants a ride on the witch’s broom!
-Predicting: Which animal do you think will come along next?
Purchase/borrow the book or listen to it on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sCwmofz9riY
Vocabulary: Labeling & Describing (Attribute + Object)

Supplement “Room on a Broom” with simple Labeling & Describing (Attribute + Object). Download and print for free:
Halloween Craft: Pumpkin Faces 
Talk about feeling/emotions and face/body parts with this cute craft!
Print, laminate, and velcro to create a reusable set. Download the activity here: https://www.speechandlanguagekids.com/halloween-speech-therapy-activities/
Halloween Themed Sensory Bin

Create a sensory/feel bin to target describing, categories, functions, and more!
Target: Describe based on: Category (It’s a kind of ____), Function (We use it to ___), color/sizes/shape/sense (It is ___), Location (We find it ___), Material, Parts (it has __).
Here are some fun inspirations for materials suggested by The Spruce Crafts: https://www.thesprucecrafts.com/halloween-feel-box-game-1244730
- Damp, coarse sponge: brains
- Twisted chenille stems: spider
- Pretzel sticks: petrified rat tails
- Dried apricots: dried-up tongues
- Thread: spiderwebs
- Cooked, cold spaghetti noodles: worms or veins
- Peeled grapes: eyeballs
- Dried apple slices: ears
- Blanched, peeled tomato: heart
- Fake fur: dead animal
- Tines of a plastic fork: vampire's teeth
- Soft flour tortilla: skin (can add a little oil)
- Feed corn: teeth
- Cornsilk: hair
- Baby dill pickles with pistachio shells pushed into the tip: witches' fingers
- Overcooked rice with raisins in cooking oil: rotting maggots and bugs
- Small peeled potatoes stuck together with chenille stems: spiders
Author: Angela Park, M.A., CF-SLP