Spooktacular Speech Therapy: Learning with Halloween-Themed Activities!

The season of ghosts, goblins, and pumpkins is here! What better way to celebrate the Halloween season than with spooky-themed activities for your speech therapy sessions?

Halloween-themed activities are fun and engaging, but they are also beneficial in targeting a wide variety of speech and language needs. Here are several activities that will not only get your students in the Halloween spirit but can be used to develop their speech and language skills. 

Articulation: Halloween Coffin Buddy 

The Halloween Coffin Buddy is a fun craft to help your students target the following sounds: /k, l, sh/, prevocalic /r/ and /s/ blends. Have the student say each word on the coffin’s arms and legs. They can color the corresponding pictures after they have practiced the whole row of target words. Cut out the coffin body, arms (short strips), and legs (long strips), then glue them together. Fold the arms along the lines in an accordion style for a fun twist! 


This free resource can be found online here

Halloween Coffin Buddy


Following Directions: There’s a Monster in Your Book  

Does your student have an IEP goal focusing on following directions? Tom Fletcher’s playful story, “There’s a Monster in Your Book,” is an excellent tool! It is an interactive book that asks the reader to follow directions to “get the monster out of the book.”  


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Mixed Groups: Would You Rather? 

Who doesn’t love a game of “Would You Rather?” This Halloween-themed edition is a great resource for targeting goals, such as answering questions, turn-taking, and participating in conversations. This is also a great option for teletherapy! The concept is simple: ask your student a “Would You Rather” question, and have the student choose one of the two choices and explain why they made that choice. 


Looking for a list of questions? A free, printable version of this game can be found online here

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I hope you find these activities to be engaging and beneficial for your students. Have a safe and fun Halloween season! 

Author:  Megan Empero, SLP-CF 

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Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog is for general informational purposes only and should not be considered as professional advice. The content is based on the author's personal experiences, research, and opinions. It is always recommended to consult with a qualified professional or expert before making any decisions or taking action based on the information provided in this blog.

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