Black History Month Therapy Activities

As a Black Speech and Language Pathologist, Black History Month is one of my favorite times of the school year. I love being able to share the amazing contributions African American people have made to society with my students. Here are a few activities that are free and can be found online at teachers pay


Compare & Contrast: Perfect language activity for students working on comparing and contrasting different ideas.  Students will learn a bit about great Black civil rights leaders who still have great influence today while addressing language goals.


African American Historical Figures Great activity to work on vocabulary and listening comprehension skills while discovering historical African American figures.


MLK Articulation /z/ in Final Position: No prep activity for students working on /z/ in the final position of words. 


Great Reads to Introduce to Students: 



I hope you and your students find these activities fun and educational. Happy Black History Month! 


Author: Shantia Richardson-Waller, M.S., CCC-SLP

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