Spring Break is much needed respite from in-person or virtual school for children and their families. Though it is a time of rest and relaxation, the break can be a great opportunity for learning and quality time together! For children, learning occurs in many different ways, whether it is through play or functional tasks. Making learning fun and interactive is key, especially during time off of school.
Outdoor Scavenger Hunt
Put together a list of images or words of some things you might find outdoors. Incorporate objects with different colors, textures and sizes! Take a stroll through the neighborhood, go to the park or head out to the backyard and try to spot as many items on your list as you can. Take the scavenger hunt as an opportunity to develop language by describing what you see and exposure to different textures, sights, smells and sounds. 
Spring-themed Sensory Bins
Sensory bins are a fun way to incorporate both play and functional skills. Grab a large bin, storage container or even tray and fill them with child-safe items. Use various mediums like taste-safe mud, slimy chia seed sludge and soap foam as a means of exposing your child to different textural sensations. Throw in some manipulatives like spoons, tongs and cups for some extra functional skills practice like scooping and stirring. Find some inspiration in the images below!

Happy learning!
Author: Tamara Zakarian, MOT, OTR/L
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