Simple Strategies to Reset Your Routine in the New Year

Getting back into a routine after the holidays can feel overwhelming, but a little planning can make the transition smoother. From meal prepping to outfit planning and prioritizing rest, these small habits can help you start the new year feeling organized and refreshed.

Think About Meals 
There are a lot of holidays from November, through January, no matter which religion you follow! For most of us that includes feasts, candy, and chocolate. Plus, when you’re on Winter break there are no regular mealtimes. So getting back into routine is often about getting back to eating healthy regular meals. I’m quite fond of crock pot meals. I can dump everything in the crock pot in the morning, turn it on, and when I come home dinner has made itself. Here’s a link to 60+ Crock Pot Meals. 

Think About Clothes
As adults, it can seem silly to set out your clothes the night before… But I’m an adult, who can stop me? 

When I worked full-time, I liked to hang outfits together on my hangers. That way when I woke up, I didn’t have to think about which pieces matched, where the item was, how it looked, etc. Some people’s version of this is only wearing neutral pants so they can wear any top with it. I’ve known some people (men especially) that only wear black shirts and khakis or another similar “uniform”. The premise behind this is micro decisions are the ones that overwhelm you, not the big decisions. There’s been a lot of research on it, but here’s a quick video summary. 

Think About What You Need to Do 
I personally would rather do as much as I can the night before so I don’t have to wake up earlier, but to each their own. I make sure my gas tank is full the night before, my clothes are washed and ready. My lunch (and family’s lunches!) are packed. I carry a backpack with me, so I make sure it has everything I need in it. 

Plan on Going to Bed Early
If you’re anything like me, your natural circadian rhythm is wired to stay up late and sleep in. Monday is fine, you power through on less sleep, but as the week goes on, you find yourself more and more zombie. Don’t take on extra appointments, meetings, and social events. Plan on going home after work, eating dinner, preparing for the next day and getting some z’s! 

Give Yourself Grace
It takes a week or two to get back into the swing of things. You’ve got this! You’ll be back to normal in no time. Remember who you’re doing it for! You make a difference in your student’s lives. 


Author: Rachel Katherine Anderegg - ASL Interpreter

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