Podcasts You Should Add to Your Playlist

Sometimes I feel a bit late to the party.  The most recent party I have become aware of is Podcasts!  I know I may not be the only one who has joined into the auditory fiesta of podcasts, and the buffet is overwhelming with choices of what to tune into.  As someone who collects data as part of my job, I collected some polling data from special educators across the country to find what they are listening to.

The Autism Helper, created by Sasha Long, BCBA, was recommended the most.  You may have heard of The Autism Helper from Instagram or Pinterest.  They also have a ton of information on their blog, such as products, and consultation services offered on their website.  The podcast addresses strategies to help parents and teachers of children with autism.   The podcast has a variety of topics, much like their blog.

Keeping up with the new apps, hardware, software, and digital media uses is like the hamster wheel for me, I keep working to keep up, but I never seem to get where I need to be when it comes to using technology effectively.  Educational Duct Tape by Jake Miller is a treasure box full of information on different tech devices and apps. He also has a protocol to help you know what technology to use to meet your classroom needs. There are 21 episodes so far, which began on December 23, 2018.

LOMAH is a podcast created by the mother of two children with special needs.  The podcast is almost like a diary of questions parents ask, or are confronted with, and how she has worked through different situations to give recommendations and information to other parents.  Transition, housing, and inclusion are just a few of her recent topics.

The Kid Whisperer was another big hit with many in the field.  This podcast is for teachers and is produced by Scott Ervin, of Ervin Educational Consulting LLC.  Scott provides strategies and information on how to work effectively with significantly troubled children.  The Kid Whisperer is connected to a website which provides blogs, training, and event opportunities.

Another popular choice is Angela Watson’s Truth for Teachers. Angela produces a new episode on Sunday evenings to get you ready for your amazing week ahead. Angela has 163 episodes to choose from to start you on your way with a smile and a can-do attitude.

#SpedFAQs is a recently released podcast that provides information on the process and procedures of special education.  Produced by Your Host Laura, #SpedFAQs has reviewed the referral process, informed consent, and the Parent’s Guidebook and Notice of Procedural Safeguards.  The podcast attempts to break down the information that is often reviewed but not fully understood or comprehended.

Podcasts are growing in popularity and usefulness to our professional and personal lives. My podcast subscription list has grown with all of these recommendations. Are any of yours on the list?

Author:  Laura Richard, M.A., L.S.S.P.

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