Fast, Easy to Understand and Easy to Clean up Science Experiments

Ask any child what their favorite subject is, and you'll likely get a wide variety of responses, sometimes even polarizing ones. Still, one thing that many kids have in common is their love for seeing things that feel magical, which science often shows us. These quick and cool science experiments are a great way to get kids interested in the subject, and seeing their reactions during an experiment is rewarding and teaches them some of the great things science has to offer us. The following experiments are great for all ages and in any setting.


Static Electricity

Have you ever touched a doorknob and felt a jolt or a spark? If so, you've experienced static electricity. Everything is made up of atoms; think of them as tiny balls that we can only see with powerful microscopes. There are different types of atoms: protons, neutrons, and electrons. Each type has a magnetic polarity: protons have positive charges, neutrons have neutral charges, and electrons have negative charges. And just like the saying goes, opposites attract. And likewise, the same charges repel each other. When we rub surfaces together, like a balloon in our experiment, we are generating a static charge by attracting extra electrons (which are negative), which will then pull at other surfaces and their atoms, such as the salt and pepper particles that are less positively charged which results in seeing how opposites attract in action.

For this experiment, you'll need:

  • A balloon
  • Salt and pepper
  • A clean, dry surface


Inflate and tie the balloon and have the students rub it against their hair (having wet hair or hair with a lot of product might not work) or their leg. Point out how their hair begins to stand up as they generate static electricity. Then place a pile of salt and pepper on a table or similar surface. After rubbing the balloon for a few seconds, tell them to stay silent and carefully hold the balloon over the pile of salt and pepper but instruct them not to get too close. We don't need the balloon to make contact with the pile. They should hear the sound of "rain" as the salt and pepper begins to stick to the balloon's surface.



If you want to try a messy but intriguing experiment that can boggle minds, give this experiment a try. Most states of matter follow specific laws described famously by Isaac Newton. Liquids are made up of atoms, and different forces, such as heat, make them behave differently. Applying heat makes the atoms inside a liquid move quickly, which is why steam comes off boiling water. If you freeze a liquid, the atoms slow down. The "quicksand" in our experiment is called a Non-Newtonian fluid, which means it does not follow the same laws of physics as other liquids. In a Newtonian liquid like water, atoms can move quickly, allowing them to change and fill up any surface they meet. The quicksand in our experiment is thicker, meaning its atoms move slowly and feel like a liquid. When we apply quick pressure or weight, the atoms collide, temporarily turning the liquid into a solid.


For this experiment, you'll need:

  • A container like a mixing bowl
  • Corn starch
  • Water
  • Measuring cups
  • Spoons to stir
  • Newspaper


This experiment will be messy, and any quicksand that lands on clothing or carpet will come off but will stick and dry and require extra cleaning, so it is advisable to cover surrounding surfaces in the newspaper. Use a 1:1 ratio of corn starch and water; for example, you can use 1/4 a cup of corn starch and 1/4 cup of water. Add your cornstarch into the bowl and slowly add water while mixing it. Stir until it thickens, and you and your students can get your hands dirty. Have them stir it with their fingers, push into it slowly with one finger and then try pulling it out quickly and then try doing the opposite: push a finger in quickly and then pull out slowly. Encourage them to try and form a ball in the palm of their hands and observe what happens when they open their hands and what happens if they keep their hands squeezed around the ball instead.


Science can be the closest thing to magic that we can get, so being able to give our children a glimpse into understanding and seeing the wonders of the world or around us can not only give them positive learning experiences but could even instill within them an interest in science. Science has the power to open our minds and to help us understand so many things we may not even know ever existed. If knowledge is power, science can be a way to help us feel powerful, just like the wizards in some of our favorite movies.


Fun fact: Did you know that atoms never actually touch? We are made up of atoms yet none of our atoms ever touch each other or other surfaces. Your feet may feel like touching the ground, but the atoms of your feet and the atoms on the surface you are standing on are never actually touching!



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Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog is for general informational purposes only and should not be considered as professional advice. The content is based on the author's personal experiences, research, and opinions. It is always recommended to consult with a qualified professional or expert before making any decisions or taking action based on the information provided in this blog.

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