The Stepping Stones Autism Services

Essential Safety Skills Your Adolescent Needs to Know

Written by Deepti Manohar | Wed, Apr 5, 2023

For young people who are growing up with autism spectrum disorder, or ASD, learning basic safety skills is a must. It’s important for parents and teachers alike to take the time to ensure that adolescents with ASD have the necessary skills and knowledge to protect themselves from potentially dangerous situations. These are some of the core safety skills that every young person should have:

Using a cell phone. Being able to answer a cell phone is an essential skill for children and adolescents alike. To ensure his or her safety at all times, your adolescent should be able to make and receive calls, follow simple directions, and describe his or her location. Your adolescent should also be able to tell when it is appropriate to dial 911 for an emergency situation.

Crossing a street. It’s easy for adults to take for granted, but understanding how to cross a busy street—or even one that isn’t busy—is one of the most important safety skills there is. Knowing where it is safe to cross, staying aware of your surroundings, understanding what crosswalks and traffic signals mean, and remembering to look both ways are all skills that can be taught and remembered.

Using the internet safely. The internet may be omnipresent in our world, but that doesn’t mean that anyone is born knowing how to use it. You should establish clear time limits for your adolescent’s internet use. Make sure that your adolescent knows never to give out personal information such as his or her address or birthday to strangers online. You should also talk about bullying and how to recognize its signs, and what steps to take if somebody is bullying your child online.