Easter with your ASD Child

Are you looking forward to Easter with your kids this year? For some parents of children with ASD, the prospect is not as much fun as they might have expected before becoming parents. Traditional Easter activities may not be appropriate for, or may be overwhelming to children with ASD. Don’t worry! We’ve got some tips for making Easter with your ASD child a joyful time. 

Build a basket based on your child. For a child with sensory difficulties, a traditional basket with plastic shredded Easter grass may not be the best option. Fortunately, you have a wide array of choices available, with buckets, soft baskets, and more, as well as paper Easter grass. Paper grass is also better for kids who put things in their mouths. Steer clear of pre-made baskets, because you know your child and will be better able to choose toys and candy that are appropriate. You might consider things like bubbles, Play-doh, or fuzzy chicks and other sensory toys. Pick snacks that will work for your child; many companies are now providing Easter treats that go beyond candy.

Go for ASD-appropriate outings. A family egg hunt in the back yard, for example, might be a better fit than hunting for eggs in a crowd. If you’re attending any sort of gathering, visual aids and social stories can help your child with ASD know what to expect.

Use Easter as a great excuse for reading books and doing fun crafts together. There are a wide variety of Easter-themed books for all ages and stages of development, including fun sticker books. Choosing a book that lends itself to pairing with a craft is fun, but there are many other ways to use your creativity at Easter, too. Make Easter cards together, dye eggs, or decorate an Easter Tree. You can also make Easter bonnets by sticking decorations on a hat or creating your own out of paper plates or you can also use paper plates to create these cute chicks, or go for these handprint chicks. You can even have sensory fun, making puffy paint Easter eggs out of shaving cream, glue, and cardboard.

Make some Easter Treats together. Decorate Easter cookies, make sheep cupcakes with plenty of marshmallows, or create Chow Mein Birds’ Nests or Corn Flake Birds’ Nests. Want something crunchy? Check out this recipe for Bunny Mix!

Easter doesn’t need to be traditional to be fun and there are creative ways to incorporate the traditional!  The important thing is to do what works best for your family and your child.

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Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog is for general informational purposes only and should not be considered as professional advice. The content is based on the author's personal experiences, research, and opinions. It is always recommended to consult with a qualified professional or expert before making any decisions or taking action based on the information provided in this blog.

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